verzendingen /shipment
Alle producten worden enkel verzonden binnen Europa ! met GLS of DHL voor producten waarvoor deze vallen onder een categorie airssoft , defence , blank wapens en meer dient u zich ter kennis te stellen ivm de wetgeving van uw land .
De Europese wetgevingen kunnen verschillend zijn van land tot land .
Wij zijn niet verantwoordelijk en kunnen niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor eventueel in beslag genomen goederen door douane of overheidsdiensten in uw land .
EN: All products are only shipped within Europe ! GLS or DHL, for products that fall under a category airssoft , defense , blank weapons and more you need to inform yourself about the legislation of your country .
We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any goods seized by customs or government authorities in your country.
FR: Tous les produits sont expédiés uniquement en Europe ! avec GLS ou DHL
Pour les produits qui tombent dans une catégorie airssoft , défense , armes à blanc et plus vous devez vous informer sur la législation de votre pays .
La législation européenne peut différer d'un pays à l'autre.
Nous ne sommes pas responsables et ne pouvons être tenus pour responsables des marchandises saisies par les douanes ou les autorités gouvernementales de votre pays.
shipping to
Belgium/Netherlands / Spain /France/ Italie
European legislation can be different from country to country .
We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any goods seized by customs or government authorities in your country.
European legislation can be different from country to country .
We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any goods seized by customs or government authorities in your country.
European legislation can be different from country to country .
We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any goods seized by customs or government authorities in your country.
All products are only shipped within Europe ! for products that fall under a category airssoft , defense , blank weapons and more you need to inform yourself about the legislation of your country .
European legislation can be different from country to country .
We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any goods seized by customs or government authorities in your country.
All products are only shipped within Europe ! for products that fall under a category airssoft , defense , blank weapons and more you need to inform yourself about the legislation of your country .
European legislation can be different from country to country .
We are not responsible and cannot be held liable for any goods seized by customs or government authorities in your country.
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