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Zoraki/Stalker front firing semi-auto blank replica. These high quality blank guns are made out of the best materials which ensure that your Zoraki/Stalker blank gun will work reliably for many years. They are suitable for all 9mm P.A. ammunition.


Because of its compactness and compatibility with a pyrotechnic adapter, it can be used for various celebrations (New Year's Eve, birthdays, corporate events, anniversaries, weddings). The gun has a very attractive design. The gun has a plastic frame combined with metal which makes it significantly lighter. Ergonomically, it is very well manufactured.



The package includes:


- plastic hard shell carrying case

- instruction booklet

- Extra extended magazine



Zoraki 925 full auto.



Gesponsord door









* please note that the item will be always sent as Top Fire.

This type of guns are illegal in some countries. Check the local authorities before purchasing this item.

We can not be held responsible for any illegal actions using our pistols.

DO NOT even ask us about any real ammo modifications or silencers. It is illegal and we will NOT do it.

Weight780 gMagazine Capacity25Action TypeSemi/Full automaticCaliber9mm P.A.Length191 mm

zoraki 925 full aut

249,00 € Normale prijs
211,65 €Verkoopprijs
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